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How to Take Care of Your Eyes – A Guide

The eyes are one of the most essential organs of the human body. From producing the visual to letting you enjoy all the colors of the world, eyes are your door to the outside world. According to the ophthalmologists in the best eyes hospitals in Lahore, we tend to misuse our eyes a lot, which is definitely not a good practice. 

There are several easy ways to prevent eye diseases and their subsequent health impacts. Let us discuss the ways in which one can effectively take care of their eyes. Be sure as they are easy to follow and to accomplish. 

In order to make sure that you risk of eye diseases is less, let us discuss some things that you should do or avoid in your daily life. 

Do Not Rub Your Eyes

Most experts recommend people to reduce rubbing the eyes. The main reason behind is that your hands on a daily basis are exposed to a number of dirt and germs. Thus all the bacteria can make way inside your eyes from there and it can be a bit dangerous for your overall eye health and maintenance. 

Therefore, make sure to avoid this practice as much as you can. It will greatly reduce your risk of irritation and inflammation as well as infection. You can talk it out with your doctor about the ways with which you can reduce this practice. 

Paying Attention to Hand Hygiene

In the context of the first prevention, you should be extra careful regarding hand washing and hygiene. This will keep all the bacteria away from your eyes. Regular hand washing promises a significant. 

We often tend to touch our eyes especially the corner of the eyes with our hands. This increase the risk of eye diseases and subsequent infections. 

Sun Protection is Highly Important

It is not a hidden fact that sun is dangegrous for your eyes because of the sunrays and too much UV. 

Too much and unprotected exposure to sunlight is highly dangerous because it increases the risk of cataracts and other sorts of eye infections. It can lead to sunburn and skin issues which can increase with time. 

Doctors often recommend wearing sunglasses. Make it a habit because it is so much more than just a fashion statement. You can also try to depend on contact lenses for this purpose. Take cues from hats and caps for the same purpose. 

Drink Lots of Water

Another thing that you need to do is drink water. An efficient amount of water is highly important as it improves the overall wellbeing and also promises good eye health in the whole process. 

When you are hydrated enough it leads to a sufficient fluid maintenance in the center of the eys.  It prevents your eyes both from getting dry and from irritation. 

Thus drinking water is not just part of your mother’s scolding because its her habit. It is one of the most advised thing by the doctors also. 

Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of the devastating hobbies one can have. It does not only improves your risk of CVD but also leads to damaged eyes. It breaks the cornea and the associated muscles as well. 

Thus if you want to stay away from eye diseases then you have to quit smoking the first chance that you get. 

The nicotine and carcinogens that are mostly present in cigarette smoke, leads to disruption of the optic nerves. It is highly damaging as it deteriorates the vision over time. 

Therefore listen to us and get over this habit of your if you want to enjoy eyes. 

Pay Attention to Lightning in Your Room

You have to swear by to follow this rule. Make sure to pay attention to the lightning in the room as it is one of the most important things in your room. You should position your monitor at about an arm’s length away from the eyes. This helps to keep your eyes away from getting strained. 

Try to avoid too much bright light in your room so that you can ditch the glare and all. This also alleviates the stress from your eyes. 

The Rule of 20-20-20

In case you are interested in keeping your eyes in great shape then you should stick by the 20-20-20 rule. The 20-20-20 rules are as follows:

If you have been looking at your screen for 20 minutes then you should look at something that is 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds.

You should also blink for almost 20 successive times to prevent any sort of dryness.

The Bottom Line

Make sure to pay attention to the above mentioned eye care tips so that you can enjoy the perks of good eye health for days. If you need further assistance you can reach out to your primary healthcare advisor.

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