How to Increase Your Chances of Success with IVF – The Bump


Mishka IVF, Jaipur’s leading IVF facility, is the best. Our center offers the best environment for motherhood. Our fertility center works with the best IVF specialists to give successful IVF treatments in Jaipur using the most modern and effective treatment techniques.

The top IVF clinic in Jaipur is Mishka IVF. The ideal setting for motherhood is provided at our center. Our fertility center in Jaipur uses the most current and efficient IVF treatment methods, collaborating with top IVF doctors.

One in three chances of having a baby is not a good chance. The 20% to 35% chance that each IVF cycle will succeed for most women is bleak. The average IVF cycle is $12,400 making things even more difficult. However, technology and research have made it possible to overcome these odds.


1. Time-Lapse Embryo Screenings

Endocrinologists typically have to remove embryos from their incubators to screen them. This exposes them to potential exposure. (This is why most embryo labs only inspect embryos one time per day. Doctors can now get a more accurate and safer picture thanks to the two new high-tech screening methods Eeva, and Embryoscope. Reproductive endocrinologist Thomas A. Molinaro says that video is an integral part of modern life. Fertility treatments are no exception. These noninvasive, more advanced images can increase the chances of selecting viable embryos. This will in turn likely result in more babies.


2. Day-Of Transfer Acupuncture

Your skills at needle injections are probably well-honed, so why not try a few more to increase the chances of your embryo sticking? Molinaro states that acupuncture can increase blood flow to the uterus, and ovaries, and stimulate the release of neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters travel in the bloodstream and can also be beneficial for outcomes. You should time your treatments to get the best results. One study found that women who had acupuncture the day before the embryo transfer were more likely than those who did not. “Overall, there are no downsides to acupuncture so far as we know. He says that patients who are interested in it should be able to add it to their IVF treatment.”


3. Vitamin D Supplementation

You may want to test your vitamin D levels if you have failed multiple rounds of IVF. Recent research shows that women who are low in vitamin D have half the chance of conceiving through IVF than women with higher levels. William B. Schoolcraft MD, MD, states that while most of your body’s vitamin D comes from sunlight, a Mediterranean diet rich in fatty fish such as salmon and tuna can help increase your levels. It may take up to 60 days for nutritional changes to make an impact on your success rate.


4. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

Do you think your partner needs a little extra help with his sperm? This treatment is for you. Traditional IVF uses sperm from a donor. This means that the egg is fertilized in a petri dish. Molinaro states that poor-quality sperm can reduce a couple’s chances to conceive through IVF. Doctors can now inject one sperm directly into an egg with ICSI. This makes the process more precise and increases the chance of fertilization.


5. DHEA Supplements

About one-third of IVF centers worldwide are treating patients with DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) supplements, and one study even found that women who took them during their IVF treatments were three times more likely to conceive. This is quite promising. Although doctors don’t know why this hormone works, giving your body an extra dose can help you have a healthy pregnancy. It is possible to start the recommended dosage, usually between 25 and 200 mg per day, if your reproductive endocrinologist recommends it. This will take place approximately six to eight weeks before you begin your next round.


6. BMI healthy

Go to the gym to get one step closer to becoming pregnant. That’s motivation! A study by the Fertility Centre of Illinois found that a low BMI can lead to lower IVF success rates. Getting your BMI back in a healthy range can make a big difference in conception, especially for women under 36. Schoolcraft states that although IVF success rates are unlikely to be affected by being overweight or 10 pounds less than normal, extremes on either side can have a significant impact. A healthy BMI between 18.5 to 24.9 is the goal.


7. Comprehensive Chromosomal Screening

This is another high-tech technology that endocrinologists use to enhance the embryo screening process. Molinaro states that sometimes beautiful embryos can be chromosomally unbalanced, which could lead to miscarriage or a failed cycle. Instead of relying solely on visual cues or simply eyeballing embryos to identify the best, the new procedure biopsies embryos’ cells to determine their true chromosomal quality.


8. High Success Clinics

Molinaro says that just because a clinic is located a block away does not mean it is the best option. She recommends that you make sure they offer odds-making treatments such as those described in this article. Before you make a decision, do your research about the success rate of a clinic. Schoolcraft states that although most clinics are similar, factors such as the environment in which embryos are grown before being implanted can make a big difference in whether IVF is successful for you. You can check the success rates of clinics by the state to see how many clinic cycles lead to pregnancy, birth, and even twins.

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